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Assessment, Learning & Development Department

The British School of Egypt is an inclusive school where we actively seek to remove the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude individual pupils, or group of pupils. We welcome and celebrate diversity.

We are all different. That’s what makes us special

Our aim in Learning Support

At the BSE,we aim to ensure that the Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities(SEND) of all the pupils in the school are identified and supported. link to vision and mission of ALDD In keeping with our ethos,we believe that all teaching staffs hare the responsibility for meeting this aim.
By working in partnership, pupils, teachers and parents and external agencies and or specialists(if need be)can enable pupils to reach their fullest potential,achieves high degree of in dependence, promote confidence,self-esteem, happiness and general well-being for the child as a whole.

Our in-service training

We take the training of our staff very seriously. Regular in-service training ensures that all members of staff are up to date with the latest pedagogical practice, and suitable and purposeful provision is made for any children with a different style of learning in lessons.

Our assessments and support team

The Assessments and Learning Development Department (ALDD) has a team of highly qualified and experienced teachers in the field of academic support and SEND support to cater for individual needs of pupils.

Our support provided

Specialist support is provided by the ALDD for pupils of all ages from EYFS through to Year 10.

We support children through one to one, small-group and in-class work and interventions led by our learning support teachers, with lessons timetabled throughout the school day. The Learning Support staff liaise very closely with all subject teachers to ensure that each pupil’s support is linked as effectively as possible to the wider school curriculum using lots of resources and manipulatives to target their individual needs. We work collaboratively with external professionals, such as Speech and Language Therapists and Educational Psychologists – if and when needed, to ensure that all children make good progress.

Individual Educational Plans (IEPs) are carefully set with achievable targets and revisited at least twice a year for pupils receiving individual or group support, the department works closely with parents, pupils and staff to agree on targets and carefully track and monitor all our children through their everyday learning and their progress is reviewed every term.

Click here to read our policy , updated to be in line with the new Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice.