Physical Education & Sport

Physical Education at The BSE

Introduction & Department Overview

Our Philosophy for PE at The BSE is as follows:

  • We intend that every child develops a passion for Physical
  • We aspire for them to seek out and embrace the wide range of sporting opportunities provided at The BSE and take up clubs further
  • To enjoy PE, Sport and Physical Activity
  • To become technically proficient
  • Wholeheartedly engage in both competitive and non-competitive sporting opportunities
  • To lead a healthy

Through PE we aim to support this philosophy by:

  • Fostering the enjoyment that taking part in physical activity and sport can bring;
  • Enabling children to develop and explore physical skills with increasing control and coordination;
  • Encouraging children to work independently and with others (pairs/groups);
  • Developing the way children perform ‘fundamental’ skills;
  • Applying rules and conventions, for different activities;
  • Developing the children’s enjoyment of physical activity through creativity and imagination;
  • Developing an understanding of how to succeed in a range of physical activities, and

How to deal with success and loss.


EYFS Physical Development is a prime area of learning. We plan opportunities to be active and interactive; and to develop pupil co-ordination, control, and movement. Children are also helped to understand the importance of physical activity. They learn to make healthy choices in relation to exercise and food. We aim to deliver this with a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activities – the majority of PE lessons are led by specialists in dedicated PE areas and are reinforced by the classteacher and co-teacher in classroom based lessons.


We intend that every child, irrelevant of their needs, develops a passion for Physical Education. We aspire for them to seek out and embrace the wide range of sporting opportunities provided at The BSE and take up clubs further afield. We aim for every pupil:

  • to become technically proficient
  • wholeheartedly drive both competitive and non-competitive sporting opportunities
  • to lead a healthy


Students will participate in a variety of physical activities and games, focusing on developing their sports skills and knowledge of PE and Games. Students will be expected to wear their Physical Education kit for all PE lessons and the curriculum follows the seasonal sports competed in by The BSE. House matches are timetabled in lessons every half term. In PE the emphasis will be adopting an holistic approach to Physical Education. Developing the students physical prowess, coaching, leadership and analysis/evaluation skills.

PE & Sport Course Content

At The BSE, we know that children learn best when the curriculum is well sequenced. Children revisit core knowledge, skills and understanding to deepen conceptual awareness. This can be applied across all curriculum areas.

  • Term 1 :          Girls: Fitness, Volleyball and Swimming. Boys: Football and Strength and Conditioning.
  • Term 2 :          Girls: Football, Strength & Conditioning and Dance Boys: Swimming and Striking Activity 1.
  • Term 3 :          Girls – Basketball, Water Polo and Athletics Boys – Basketball, Dance & Athletics


All physical activities and games will be assessed and criteria shared with students. Students will be encouraged to be part of this process and will have many self and peer assessment opportunities in lessons. Assessment includes participation, engagement and behaviour in all lessons as well as roles and skills developed alongside ability.

Skills Developed:

A range of skills are developed and refined with a key focus on teamwork, collaboration, tactics and strategies. Students are also encouraged to analyse their performance using ICT.

The Curriculum & Planning

The curriculum for PE at The BSE reflects the all round good weather experienced in Egypt and also is tailored from the UK National Curriculum. All of the PE provision at The BSE is based on good practice developed in the UK.

Planning in PE is carried out in three phases (long-term, medium-term and short-term). The long-term plan maps out the PE activities covered in each term during the key stage. This is devised from the previous year’s breath of coverage in conjunction with the ‘competition calendar’.

Each class teacher completes a short-term plan for each PE unit of work. This lists the specific curriculum goals and expected outcomes and gives details of how the lesson is to be taught.

We plan PE activities so that they build upon the prior learning of the children. Children of all abilities develop their skills, knowledge and understanding in each activity area. Pre teaching and progression is planned for, so that children are increasingly challenged as they move up through the school.


We are a department of eight specialist PE teachers each with further specialisms in a range of curriculum areas. The broad range of skills that the PE department offers is reflected in the high quality competitive provision that the school offers for all age groups and in all major sports.

The BSE is competitive against all local schools and enjoys success at local and National level. All of our most able sports teams and performers are supported fully by the specialist staff that we have within the department.

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