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Primary School

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to The Primary department at The British School of Egypt.

We are proud of our students who are individuals and enjoy school, whilst being ambitious and determined to succeed. We want our children to develop their knowledge and understanding of the world through a broad and balanced curriculum and acquire the transferable skills they will need to succeed in their future lives.

Working closely with the EYFS team, building on the foundations, the Primary team work on developing not only academic skills but also social and emotional skills, in order for children to become well rounded global citizens.

The Primary team offer a safe and welcoming environment which encourages children and the whole school community to support each other and try their best. We believe in having a Growth Mindset.  ‘Abilities can be developed through ‘dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point’ (Dweck, 2015).

The BSE use the objectives from the National Curriculum- UK, using a thematic approach, choosing topics that will be relevant, fun and meaningful to the children to enhance their learning experience.

The BSE Values are at the heart of everything we do, instilling respect, responsibility, compassion, resilience, mindfulness and integrity in our students.

Children in Primary use a variety of different learning tools to gain the knowledge they need to enhance their learning journey. At BSE we understand that each child is different and cater to every child’s needs by analysing children’s different skills. As a school, we believe that achievement and enjoyment go hand in hand and therefore we constantly review our curriculum to ensure that it is engaging and allows every child to make progress.

We believe that the success to learning is strong communication between students, school and home and that is why BSE offer workshops to educate parents on how to help their children succeed at home, actively joining their child’s learning journey.

We do hope you choose The BSE Primary team to lead your child to success.

Warm regards,

Emma Farid

Primary Staffing and Structure

We are privileged here at the BSE to have a large and outstanding team of experienced and qualified staff. The BSE Primary team consists of staff members who each bring their own individualised experiences, qualifications and talents to the forefront. The Primary School comprises of six-year groups in total, which are then sub-divided into two sectors.

Key Stage 1: Year 1 and Year 2

Key Stage 2: Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6

  • Each Primary classroom consists of a class teacher and co-teacher who adopt a team-teach approach to lesson planning and delivery.
  • A Year Group Coordinator (YGC) for each year is appointed from a quality assurance perspective.The YGC safeguards consistency, progression and high standards across the year group.
  • The Primary team is overseen and supported by the Deputy Head of Primary and Head of Primary.
  • Our outstanding Administrative Department are also key to the smooth running of the school day, communicating with parents and ensuring the well-being of our pupils

Curriculum Development and Overview

Within the BSE community, we are fortunate to have a number of multicultural and diverse pupils in attendance, with whom we can interact with, learn from and co-exist. The National Curriculum of England is the principal programme of study applied, however, we work closely with our staff, children and parents to ensure that the curriculum is suitably adapted as necessary, to coincide with pupils’ personal needs and address any potential cultural sensitivities that may be apparent within the wider community.

Learning within Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and Year 2) builds upon the knowledge and skills gained from within the Early Years Foundation Stage. Child-lead, innovative and hands-on activities are meticulously planned by our staff to empower pupils to facilitate their inherent curiosity and independence. This approach is continued and reinforced throughout Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6).

You can teach a student a lesson for a day, but if you can teach them to learn by curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives’.  Clay B. Bedford

The National Curriculum for England ensures that an inclusive, diverse and comprehensive range of subject areas is undertaken by our students. Pupils study core subjects such as English, Numeracy and Science, alongside PSHE, Topic, Performing Art disciplines, Physical Education, Foreign Languages, and our Ministry of Education courses.

A sense of ‘Britishness’ and ‘British Values’ is also promoted throughout the Primary School, through curriculum content, our behaviour policy, school events and competitions. Our House Point System provides a much adored and positive approach for our pupils, educating them of the importance of collaborative teamwork, determination, healthy competitiveness, and personal achievement.

Primary related Schemes of Work

Pearson’s Active Learn platform containing Power Maths, and Wordsmith offer top-quality schemes of work, which have recently been embraced throughout the Primary stage. The up-to-date and flexible nature of the content and planning approach allows our staff to productively deliver meaningful, objective specific lessons that can be adapted to meet the needs of our pupils.

These exciting, UK curricula designed schemes of work are rich in resources; from both a digital perspective and practical level, encouraging pupil interactivity and autonomous thinking. The UK curricula designed schemes of work provide our pupils with opportunities to explore, be enthused by, and progress within the areas of literacy and numeracy.

PlanBee schemes of work and other suitable platforms are also utilised to support additional curriculum areas such as Topic, Science and PSHE. Regular pupil assessments are conducted throughout all subject areas, employing both formative and summative techniques using child-appropriate methodology.


At the British School of Egypt, lessons are based on the English National Curriculum which we have developed to meet the needs of all our pupils. Our broad and balanced Literacy curriculum involves reading, phonics, spelling, writing, handwriting and speaking & listening. All of these areas are crucial, for not only allowing pupils to access the curriculum, but to also equip them to be life-long learners and confident communicators in our ever-changing world.

From Year 1 to Year 6, we base our curriculum on Pearson’s Wordsmith programme. This dynamic, engaging scheme provides an integrated and interactive curriculum which equips pupils with the passion for reading and writing. The Wordsmith programme includes access to a range of high-quality prints and e-books for both school and home learning opportunities. In addition, we provide our pupils access to a virtual library (Pearson’s Bug Club) to support our curriculum and give them the opportunity to develop their love of reading both in and out of school.


Power Maths is a UK curriculum mastery programme designed to spark curiosity and excitement and nurture confidence in Maths. At the British School of Egypt, we apply the Power Maths programme with the aim to enhance pupil mindsets, develop knowledge and ensure enjoyment and progression is experienced by all. It is built around a child-centered lesson design that models and embeds a growth mindset approach to Maths and focuses on supporting all children to build a deep understanding of Maths concepts. Each lesson follows the structure of ‘Power Up, Discover, Share, Independent Practice and Reflect’ process. Through these aspects, pupils are taught the fundamental skills that will enable them to take ownership of their own learning experience and become independent, successful learners.


At the British School of Egypt, we believe that Science is a group of skills-based processes, as well as a collection of facts and ideas. These skills are the ones that all children need to discover in order to learn more about the world around us.

‘Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls this adventure SCIENCE.’ (Edwin Powell Hubble, astronomer 1889-1953.)

Science involves practical investigations, observations and collecting evidence to develop pupils’ understanding of fundamental concepts. At the BSE we always encourage creative and critical thought by encouraging children to engage in questioning, discussion and research about science based issues which affect their lives now and in the future.

There is a whole school approach to planning and assessment, based on the UK National Curriculum and organised using a creative programme of study supported by the Plan-Bee Scheme of Work. Plan Bee Science lessons include detailed planning packs and slides to support the delivery of scientific concepts. Science is taught as a discrete lesson and as part of cross-curricular themes when appropriate.

Science has links with other areas of the curriculum including Geography, English, Numeracy, Art and Design Technology.

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